Ten Erotica Writing Prompts to Spice Up the Season of Romance

February 14 foreground, background muscular man with woman on top

In honor of February 2021, we are focusing our writing prompts on one of our favorite genre’s—EROTICA. Yes, yes, we know that Valentines is all about the sweet, sweet romance, but sometimes it’s especially nice to have that special someone around so that you can get down and dirty with someone special. And hey, for some of us, a dance floor hookup that involves a little bumpin’ and grindin’ is as romantic as we like to get.

I’m trying my best to keep the roles gender neutral so go wild with it 😉 Remember, you can be anyone you like in this fantasy. Let your imagination run wild and funnel your … creative juices into this one!

Think Erotica

1: The boss has asked you to stay late, but you already had a date planned tonight.

2: Your friend’s softball team is having their last game of the season and you still haven’t lived up to your promise to attend. Maybe you should go? Might be eye candy on or off the field…

3: Every morning at 6:45, your neighbor opens the back door and lets the dogs out. They bark and wake you up. One morning you decide to go to the window and yell, but fall silent when you see that the neighbor is hot AF … and also nude.

4: It’s Saturday morning and you decide to hit some yard sales. The last place you go, the home owners are rude and annoying, but they have a kid home from college that’s giving you the eye.

5: You hop in a group rideshare and realize you are the second passenger picked up. This stranger is headed to the same hotel as you.

6: You’re on a solo vacation in a city you’ve never been, but you hate to eat alone, so you decide to eat at the bar. A cute bar back smiles at you and asks about your day.

7: You are browsing for a new outfit in a high-end department store when a clerk approaches and asks what’s the occasion? You explain that you have a nice dinner coming up. With an arched eyebrow and a slightly snide tone, they ask, “And you’re thinking of wearing that?”

8: You’re at dinner with a friend who is often mistaken for your significant other. The friend asks you, “should I be insulted?” because the person taking care of your table clearly thinks you’re together but is still hitting on you hard and snubbing your friend.

9: Remember that cute teacher you had the crush on in high school? (Or the one you wish you had?) Well there aren’t any seats left in the theater except the one next to you. Right after the lights go down, they take the seat, not recognizing you.

10: You don’t need no man, or woman, or nonbinary partner. Sometimes the hottest sex is solo. Write about the hottest experience you ever had getting yourself off—or the hottest fantasy about getting yourself off you’ve got. In the car? In the woods? On the porch? While your friend is sleeping next to you (don’t be rape-y—solo means solo)?